воскресенье, 29 декабря 2019 г.


The loss of two field-pieces and seven horses crowned their own disgrace and the triumph of the Aztecs. He assembled the chiefs of the different squadrons, thanked them for their services, noticed their valor in flattering terms, and, after distributing presents among them, with the assurance that his master the emperor would recompense their fidelity yet more largely, dismissed them to their own homes. It was surrounded by porticoes and pavilions for the accommodation of the artisans and traders who there displayed their various fabrics and articles of merchandise. He consented to the interview, though not to have it take place on that day, but the following, in the great square of Tlatelolco. But the youth received a wound in the throat from a javelin, which prevented him from effecting his object. It seemed certain that, with this strict blockade, the crowded population must in the end be driven to capitulate, though no arm should be raised against them. But day after day he was disappointed. mexicanos al grito de guerra soldados del reyno

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It was a great mistake of the Aztec priests—one not uncommon with false prophets, anxious to produce a startling impression on their followers—to assign so short a term for the fulfilment of their prediction.

Fundación nacional

These levies were distributed among the three garrisons at the terminations of the causeways; and many found active employment in foraging the country for provisions, and yet more in carrying on hostilities against the places still unfriendly to the Spaniards.

He consented to the interview, though not to have it take place on that day, but the following, in the great square of Mexicanox. Yet the sufferings of the Aztecs, terrible as they were, did not incline them to submission.

The general still lingered, unwilling to leave the spot while his presence could be of the least service.

mexicanos al grito de guerra soldados del reyno

The confederates had been left without the walls; for he did not care to bring them within sight of the quarry before he was ready to slip the leash.

Prescott Copyright,by William G. On one side stood the palace of Axayacatl, their old quarters, the scene to many of them of so much suffering.

They relaxed in no degree the severity of the blockade. To accomplish this, he enforced the service not merely of his own militia of the capital, but of the great towns in the neighborhood, who all moved in concert, at the well-known signal of the beacon-fire, or of the huge drum struck by the priests on the summit of the temple.

mexicanos al grito de guerra soldados del reyno

These were twenty in wl, consisting of Coanaco, the deposed lord of Tezcuco, the lord of Tlacopan, and several other caciques and dignitaries, whose rank, probably, had secured them some exemption from the general calamities of the siege. Another of his attendants was more successful. Encomiendas, repartimientos y conquista en Nueva Vizcaya, in Actas del primer congreso de historia regional comparadauniv.

Here they were soon mingled with the allies, who choked up the way, and who, catching the panic of the Spaniards, increased the confusion, while the eyes of the fugitives, blinded by the missiles that rained on them from the azoteassoldsdos scarcely capable of distinguishing friend from foe.

There was no one to bury or to remove them. In the early part of the siege they had religiously attended to it.

Fundación nacional - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre

The Aztecs hung on the closing files, and, though driven back by frequent charges of the cavalry, still followed in the distance, shooting off their ineffectual missiles, and filling the air with wild cries and howlings, like a herd of ravenous wolves disappointed of their prey.

De Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre. La respuesta en margen dice: But the soldier is usually too much absorbed in the present to give much heed to the future; and, though their discontent showed itself afterwards in a more clamorous form, they now thought only of their triumph, and abandoned themselves to jubilee. The lightning seemed to cleave asunder the vault of heaven, as its vivid flashes wrapped the whole scene in a ghastly glare, for a slldados, to be again swallowed up in darkness.

The other was happy enough to escape.

Women and children—the whole nation—became familiar with and assisted at them. No light was seen there, no sound was heard, save the low moaning of some wounded or dying wretch, writhing in his agony.


But, if so, he now changed his purpose, and wisely fixed on this spot as the best position for his encampment. Of the whole number who perished in the course of the siege it is impossible to form any probable computation.

He as vainly tried to restore something like presence of mind and order among the distracted ggito. They had less confidence than before in the Spaniards. Among the slain was Pedro Barba, captain of grit crossbowmen, a gallant officer, who had highly distinguished himself in the Conquest.

Mexicanos Al Grito de Guerra

At this crisis, three or four of the largest piraguas were seen skimming over the water and making their way rapidly across the lake. Some of the spoil may have been sent away from the capital, some spent in preparations of defence, and more of it buried in the earth, or sunk in the water of the lake.

While this work of butchery was going on, numbers were observed pushing off in the barks that lined the shore, and making the best of their way across the lake. It was late in the afternoon when he reached them; but the sun was still lingering above the western hills, and poured his beams wide over the Valley, lighting up the old towers and temples of Tenochtitlan with a mellow radiance, that little harmonized with the dark scenes of strife in which the city had so lately been involved.

Manco Capac funda el Imperio incaicoextendido por la zona andina Tahuantinsuyo. The right of conquest necessarily implies that of using whatever force may be necessary for overcoming resistance to the assertion of that right. He had some misgivings, moreover, lest his too ardent officers, in the heat of the chase, should, notwithstanding his commands, have overlooked the necessary precaution of filling up the breaches. He conceived that there would be no way more likely to affect their minds than by destroying at once some of the principal edifices, which they were accustomed to venerate as the pride and ornament of the city.

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