суббота, 4 января 2020 г.


If you wish to open sails created with a previous version of Sailcut CAD you should rename your sail definition file so that it ends with ". Sailcut CAD is constantly under development and feedback from users is very welcome! Checking and validating data. Sails can be either 4 sided sails like for old timer gaff rig or 3 sided sails like jibs or main sails for Marconi rig. The authors would appreciate that publications on sails designed with Sailcut include some acknowledgement of their work. A boat element can be removed by selecting the corresponding tab and then clicking on the Remove button. sailcut4

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The profiles defined by the sail mould described above are resting sailcu4t the real edges of the sail. The height are refered to any arbitrary horizontal datum plane located conveniently near the bottom of the hull. Once you have had a chance to familiarise yourself with the code, contact us via the forums or our mailing lists!


This describe the structure of the file generated by Sailcut using the menu to XML sail entry of the Export development or Export 3D sail submenus of the File menu. The asilcut4 menu entry will print the data of the sail. A 3D sail is made of a number of panels, each panel has 4 basic sides: It is expressed in percentage of the mast height. Technical information on the code.

Sailcut CAD

The Vertical cut layout places the panels parrallel to the straight line joining the peak to the clew of the sail. The blue line represents the edge of the finished panel draw line and the red line represents the outer edge taking into account the seam and hems width allowance cut line.

You can help the Sailcut CAD project even if you are not sailccut4 programmer, for instance by translating Sailcut or documenting Sailcut. A profile called sailcutt4 profile" is located around the middle of the height and the factors AV and AR are set such that the profile has the required shape.

The layout of wailcut4 panels does not affect the shape of the sail which is defined by its dimensions and its mould.

Sailcut CAD | Sailcut

Saving and Loading a hull file. Sails surface formulation in Sailcut 7. The coordinate system used is such that the plane X-Y contains the tack, the clew and the head of the luff.

Marchaj convinced me that the distribution of camber along the profile was the determining factor in the quality of a sail profile. The most important line is the chine which defines the outer edge of the bottom planks. If you are interested in translating Sailcut into your native language, visit the Sailcut CAD homepage and send an email to the development mailing list!


When you start Sailcut CAD, you are presented with a default sail. About Sailcut CAD 1.


A classical triangular sail is essentially a quadrangular sail with a very small top edge. Each panel will be placed in a separate file on layer 1. The gaff angle is constrained to 90 degrees maximum between the gaff and the luff.

Enter there the width of sailctu4 used, the width of the seams between adjacent panels, the width of material to be added to the leech to make the leech hem and the width of material for the foot hem and for other edges hems.


To retrieve the latest version of the code using the wailcut4 command-line tool, cd to the directory of your choice and type the following information:. The sheeting angle value is the actual sheeting angle measured from the boat centerline when the sail is set on the boat. Adding and removing boat elements. The twist is globally determined by the amount by which the dailcut4 wind at the top of the mast is rotated with respect to the apparent wind at deck level.

The Sailcut CAD project lives at http: The actual length on the finished sail lais on the floor can be slightly longer depending on the shape of the sail. When you have finished entering sailctu4 dimensions, press OK to display the sail in 3D.

The above basic mould is not sufficient to define a real sail. On a main sail the minimum value for the gaff length headboard is constrained to 5 mm.

This boat design module allows you to assemble hull, rig and sails files created earlier and make a virtual boat.

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